Eat Read Tarot Capricorn Nov 19 2018

The Tarot is the mirror of our soul. Each card reflects what'south not but going on inside the states just too, symbolises our divine connection to the forces of the Universe – those which we can encounter and those which we cannot. The images printed on the cards are symbols that contain the keys to unravel all the mysteries of our existence. However, these images have a life of their own, and thus, they change whenever the cards are shuffled. Every shuffle infuses them with magic. Every shuffle infuses us with magic. And so it goes for July 2021 horoscope.

The following are divinely guided letters from The Universe through the medium of the Tarot. Though divided through the twelve signs of the zodiac, the message is highly personalised for you. The same strength that guided me to pull the cards is the very same force that's guiding y'all to read the bulletin. I encourage you to keep an open center and an open mind – that way, you'll be more receptive to magic, and detect the guidance you lot need for the fortnight.

For those who aren't familiar with their astrological chart, I would advise reading the passage pertaining to their Sun Sign – i.e. the zodiac sign that the Sun was passing through at the time of your nativity. For example, if you were born on August 19, the Sunday was passing through the sign of Leo. Thus, you would find your divinely guided bulletin under Leo.

For those who are familiar with their astrological chart, I would suggest reading the passage pertaining to their Sun Sign, their Moon Sign, and their Rise Sign – also known equally the Ascendant or the 'Lagna'. The combined message will exist all the more than powerful for your journey.

The drastically dramatic times nosotros're experiencing on earth is a reflection of the drastically dramatic times in the heavens above. The cosmos is undergoing a major energetic shift and its effects are rippling over to our lives. However, this is all part of a dandy divine plan that is essential in our evolution. Nosotros may not see it now, but soon it volition all make sense.

ALSO READ: Your horoscope and tarot reading for July 1st to 15th 2021

As Jupiter and Saturn continue on their retrograde path, affecting the Dharma and the Karma of the greater collective –  a powerful full Moon brings with information technology blessings of Eid, likewise as, our Gurus – from the past, the nowadays, and higher realms. This is a powerful time for us to take stock of our lives, and thus the stars take sent the following sage advice through the medium of the Tarot to help united states all through this fortnight.

Read your Horoscope for July 2021 —

Aries July 2021 Horoscope

July 2021 Horoscope

Don't lay all your cards out on the table. Not everything needs to exist announced with pomp and circumstances. Not anybody needs to know what's going on. Silence tin be incredibly powerful, and the more we practice it, the more efficient we'll be at achieving our goals.

Take this time to carefully study and examine your situations and circumstances without letting anyone else know what you're up to. Your silence volition speak volumes this fortnight, and you'll definitely relish the looks of surprise on everyone's faces one time you take habitation the prize.

Taurus July 2021 Horoscope

July 2021 Horoscope

Reconnect with sometime friends with whom y'all've allowed time to build a wedge. This is a beautiful time to celebrate yourselves, as well as, those effectually you lot. After all, in these crazy times, having a loyal circumvolve of friends and loved ones is truly a divine blessing.

This is also a time for you to let your hair downwardly and just have a little fun. There's enough doom and gloom in the earth, we have to brand room for some low-cal and joy – and specially love. Later all, abundance and prosperity menstruation with merriment – never with drudgery.

Gemini July 2021 Horoscope

This is a time to have a look at all that you've invested in – financially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Notice what is growing, what is giving positive results, and what is actually helping you evolve. Nurture them with love. Even if the results are slow – be patient – they're sure!

Equally for those 'investments' that are hampering your growth, and only leading to more stress, pain, and heartache. Cut them off. Yes, cutting off those losses. There's no point trying to nurture a rotting seed that'll just plow the soil toxic. Purge it all out and motility on without looking dorsum!

Cancer July 2021 Horoscope

This is a powerful time to piece of work your manifestation magic. The upcoming Full Moon of Guru Purnima brings with it dandy blessings and an opportunity to pursue that which your middle truly desires. Stepping out of your protective shell tin can atomic number 82 to some surprisingly fun times ahead.

However, this is a Guru Purnima full moon – symbolising lessons that have been taught by teachers – of the past, present, and even prior lifetimes. Your manifestation magic all relies on how well you've learned those lessons, and take mastered them. Honour your teachers well.

Leo July 2021 Horoscope

July 2021 Horoscope

Even the brightest sun, must eventually set. But that doesn't mean its low-cal is macerated. Oh no! Information technology's just time for some much-needed beauty residual for you so that you're able to dazzle the globe when it'due south time to rise once more and illuminate the globe around you with your glow.

Use this quiet time to take care of the necessary details that accept been ignored in the past. Granted you've had bigger and better things to focus on – but information technology'southward these tiny loose threads that can unravel even the near magnificent tapestries. It's non fun, just at to the lowest degree it'll assist in the long run.

Virgo 2021 Horoscope

This is the time when y'all accept to make peace with the earth around you and discover ways to effectively work together with those that aggravate and irk you so that yous can bear on with your life in an efficient and profitable manner. Read that again. And again. And once again for good luck.

We don't have to be best friends with everyone. Nor practise we take to let down our guards completely. Merely we do accept to live together, and nosotros practice take to work towards common goals. Negotiate your terms, draw firm boundary lines, and figure out ways to be on the same page so that at the end of the twenty-four hours – anybody wins! It's tough, but it's definitely possible!

Libra July 2021 Horoscope

The pen is indeed mightier than the sword, simply pride's similar a knife that tin can cut deep inside. After all, as Cher sings, words are similar weapons and with your ruling Venus coupled with Mars in the heavens above – it might lead to situations where you win a temporary boxing but lose wars.

Do not fear, for the best matter to do this fortnight is to not permit your anger push yous into proverb things yous may regret. Don't give into the temptation of proving yourself correct for whatsoever ideal you uphold. It'south not the terminate of the world if you but compromise to maintain peace. Afterward all, that'due south been a winning strategy in the past.

Scorpio July 2021 Horoscope

Sometimes in our bulldoze for doing things our mode tin can be a common cold and lonely path. Sure, you lot're a main of your realm, but at the end of the mean solar day, you lot're a social being. There'south no point suffering in silence when you lot have a circumvolve of loved ones who'll support and continue you warm.

Let go of the pride to handle everything on your ain and simply inquire for assistance. Doing so may perhaps remind you of all the loved ones y'all've been blessed with (and neglected), too as, enable you lot to truly achieve your goals faster and with far more joy than you imagined. Gratitude is fundamental!

Sagittarius July 2021 Horoscope

July 2021 Horoscope

What are you truly passionate near? No seriously, enquire yourself – what truly drives y'all? What is it that makes you feel excited well-nigh life? Got the answer? Good! Now inquire yourself – why am I non pursuing that with all the will of my heart? Take your time with that respond.

This fortnight, let your adventurous side take over and – well – live a little! Afterwards all, life'due south too short to be bogged down past all the drudgery that plagues us and so much these days. Live out your passions. However, just make sure to temper the flames of your passions, so that they don't swallow you.

Capricorn July 2021 Horoscope

There'southward no demand to worry, for you are blest with a protector spirit who is shielding y'all from all the energy that'south harmful to y'all. Let go of your worries and cares, for there are mighty forces in 'The Universe' that are ironing out all the details. Only stay true to yourself and focus on the big picture of life!

Be gentle and nurture yourself. After all, a garden tended with love yields more flowers than ane tended with strife. Accept faith that yous accept friends in the astral and angelic realm who are helping you come up closer to your goals. Exhale. Relax. It'southward all going to be fine. Take time to enjoy the nowadays moment without the guilt of the past or anxiety virtually the futurity.

Aquarius July 2021 Horoscope

Ignoring your issues won't make them become abroad. Neither volition blaming others for it. At the end of the day, they are 'your problems'. So the first step towards dealing with them is acknowledging them, and accepting your share of the responsibility. That on its own is one-half the battle won.

In one case that is done, seek the wise counsel and help of those you respect. Contrary to what you may think – they volition absolutely understand and you'll be surprised at what you may acquire through them. Don't exist afraid to make unpopular or hard choices. They aid united states abound in the long run.

Pisces July 2021 Horoscope

July 2021 Horoscope

Every moment is an opportunity to brand a successful fresh commencement. Information technology'southward never too late to exercise then, and reverse to what the many naysayers would believe – 1 should never feel guilty about wanting a new offset! Why comport forth the toxicity of one-time dried situations and behavior?

Empathise that you're non a prisoner of circumstances, nor are you lot a slave of expectations (of others, too as, yourself). You take complete autonomy for how you choose to live your life, and when it's time to switch gears and change the class of your path. Own it!


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